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Applying SMART Goals to Gardening—Lessons from the Garden Goals Workshop
During my recent workshop, Growing Your Vision: Garden Goals Workshop, I had the privilege of working with an audience that included several corporate professionals. It became clear that the structured, results-oriented approach many are familiar with in their careers resonates just as strongly when applied to their gardens.
The 2024 Sweet Earth Co. Gift Guide
It’s time for holiday shopping, and we’ve got just the things for the gardeners and flower lovers in your life. When you shop with Sweet Earth, you’re supporting small business, sharing sustainable gardening practices with others, and creating a community of flower lovers with your friends and family.
Green Gardening Tools: Choosing Eco-Friendly Equipment for Your Garden
It’s important to choose the right equipment and supplies for your garden. In this post, we’re going to cover why that’s important, how to choose eco-friendly equipment, and methods of maintaining your tools for long-term use.
Soil Testing: Why, When, and How to Do It for a Healthier Garden
Healthy soil is the foundation of a healthy garden. Here’s why, when, and how to test it.
Guard Your Garden Against Harsh Weather Conditions
The key to helping your garden thrive in unpredictable weather is to ensure that your plants are healthy and resilient. Strong, well-established plants are more likely to withstand sudden fluctuations and bounce back after severe weather events.
Here’s how you can prepare your garden to face whatever Mother Nature throws its way.
Keystone Plants 101: How to Identify Vital Species for Your Ecoregion
When it comes to supporting local wildlife and creating a thriving ecosystem, you may be missing out on an important element: keystone plants.
Meadow Update: Sneak Peek & What to Do Now If You Want a Spring Meadow
Have you been dreaming of incorporating a meadow into your landscape? At Sweet Earth, one of our favorite ways to reduce lawn is with a meadow. You can have a meadow even if you don’t have a large patch of land; even mini-meadows are a better ecological choice than turf.
How to Support Your Local Wildlife with a Small Garden
Supporting local wildlife is a worthy passion for every gardener, from those managing large scale farms to the hobbyist with a few containers on their patio. Supporting local ecosystems not only helps wildlife thrive, but also contributes to a balanced and healthy environment. Here’s how you can make a difference with even the smallest of gardens.
Watering Wisely: How to Garden During Water Scarcity
In a world where water scarcity is becoming more of a concern, eco-gardeners face the unique challenge of caring for their plants while conserving water. The good news is you don’t have to sacrifice your lush garden. Instead, you can employ wise watering practices, from planting native varieties to setting up the right watering schedule.
Chemical-Free Pest & Disease Management for Your Garden
Today we’re diving into another highly-requested topic: handling pests and diseases without the use of chemicals. First, we’ll talk about the important step of prevention, so that you encounter fewer pests and diseases. Then, we’ll dive into what to do when you do come across pests and diseases, because they are inevitable for every gardener.
Assess & Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Gardening
As eco-gardeners, we all want to reduce our carbon footprint and strive to help the environment in any way we can. Today we’re going to dive into one specific area where you can help to ease your environmental impact, and even contribute in a positive way.
Mid-Season Garden Check-In: How to Assess & Make Changes
The gardening season may be flying by, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to think about fall just yet! There are still plenty of things to focus on in your garden during the mid-season.
The Language of Dahlias - Unique Meanings of Our Favorite Dahlias
Today we’re talking about something a little different: the meaning of dahlias.
Flower & Herb Focus: Coneflower (Echinacea)
Today, we’re diving into the wonderful world of Echinacea, which is both an herb and a flower commonly known as coneflower. With its striking daisy-like appearance and vibrant hues, Echinacea is not just a beautiful addition to your garden and bouquets, but also a powerhouse in eco-gardening.
How to Care For Your Dahlias After Planting: Tips for Pruning, Watering, Fertilizing & Pest Management
Today we want to dive into how to best care for your dahlias after planting. We’re going to cover pinching, watering, fertilizing, and pest management.
Gardening in the Shade
Do you have shady spots in your landscape that you want to turn into a lush garden oasis? Gardening in the shade may seem like a daunting task for many, but shade gardens can be lush, vibrant, and incredibly rewarding.
Flower Focus: Peonies
Peonies are a fan favorite flower here at Sweet Earth Co. — and we understand why! They’re big, beautiful blooms with an amazing scent that make the perfect focal flower in many types of arrangements.
6 Flowers You Can Direct Seed Into Your Garden
For most of us, we are past our last frost dates and have prepped our garden beds and are getting our seedlings into their new homes outside.
If you didn’t get a chance to start seeds this year, don’t worry. There are some heat-loving flowers that you can direct seed right into your garden beds, and today we’re going to talk about 6 of our favorites.
All About Herbs: How & Why We Grow Them
At the time of writing this, National Herb Day is only a few days away! We love utilizing herbs in our gardens at Sweet Earth, so we wanted to chat about how and why we grow them here on the flower farm.
Maximizing Small Spaces with Flower Patches and Container Gardens
In this blog post, we'll explore how you can maximize small spaces with flower patches and container gardens, bringing joy and beauty to your surroundings.