Love to Learn? Resources for Florists, Growers, and Entrepreneurs

I’m a lifelong learner. Yup, there’s no denying it; in fact, I embrace it.

I love flowers, but I love learning more.

I’m pretty sure it started when I spent three years in kindergarten. You see, my mother was a hard-working, single parent who got a job as a teacher’s assistant in a Catholic school in order for my older sisters to get a private school education. The nuns were very kind and good to her and being that I was a toddler at the time, often let her bring me to school. My playpen was parked in the principal’s office.

The story goes that one day I found my way to the nearby kindergarten classroom and parked myself there instead. I loved the classroom, the teacher, the books, the kids, the excitement that came with learning. I feel that excitement to this day.

Classroom education and professional degrees are formal opportunities to learn. But professional and personal development doesn’t always have to happen between the walls of a traditional classroom or institution, especially in today’s age of technology and modern conveniences.

There are audio books, podcasts, blogs, smartphone apps, webinars, and YouTube to name a few. Lifelong learners will use a combination of methods to fit their needs and stage of life.

I listen to podcasts and audio books all the time; I use a phone app to learn and practice meditation; I turn to YouTube when I quickly want to learn a technique or skill; and I sign up for workshops and webinars taught by professionals in my field whom I admire. I use all of these methods to continuously improve myself, satisfy my curiosity and inspire my creativity.

The more I learn the more I want to share what I’ve learned with others. It’s part of my DNA.

So when I started Sweet Earth Co, creating opportunities for other’s to learn was a foundational pillar of the company from day one. Mentoring and partnering with clients and the community to understand and practice the basic tenets of sustainable gardening and design is of mission importance to me and my team.

We Grow. We Design. We Teach.
It’s our motto.

So, you’re in luck! I’ve rounded up all my absolute favorite podcasts, must-have books, and personal “how-to” blog posts into one easy to find place. Sweet Earth Co.’s new Learning Resources page includes links to others’ work I really enjoy and learn from. Take a look and get to know them. I wouldn’t recommend something if I didn’t find it important on my quest for knowledge.

You may or may not be a lifelong learner like me. It’s okay if you are not; no judgement here. The key is to never to give up on YOU; to seize moments and opportunities to learn; to see yourself as a work in progress.


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