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6 Flowers You Can Direct Seed Into Your Garden
For most of us, we are past our last frost dates and have prepped our garden beds and are getting our seedlings into their new homes outside.
If you didn’t get a chance to start seeds this year, don’t worry. There are some heat-loving flowers that you can direct seed right into your garden beds, and today we’re going to talk about 6 of our favorites.
All About Herbs: How & Why We Grow Them
At the time of writing this, National Herb Day is only a few days away! We love utilizing herbs in our gardens at Sweet Earth, so we wanted to chat about how and why we grow them here on the flower farm.
Maximizing Small Spaces with Flower Patches and Container Gardens
In this blog post, we'll explore how you can maximize small spaces with flower patches and container gardens, bringing joy and beauty to your surroundings.
3 Simple Swaps to Make Your Garden More Eco-Friendly
A garden is not only a way to enjoy time outdoors and grow your favorite flowers and herbs, but also a way to make a positive impact on the environment from your own backyard — or container on the porch!
Spring Rose Pruning Tips for a Bountiful Rose Cutting Garden
Roses, with their captivating beauty and delightful fragrance, are an excellent choice for any cutting garden. At Sweet Earth Co. we grow several varieties of roses and are excited to add 10 new varieties this spring. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, here's a guide to spring pruning and maintaining your roses for a flourishing cutting garden.
Designing with Daffodils: Exploring Varieties Beyond the Ordinary
When we think of daffodils, the image of cheerful yellow blooms dancing in the spring breeze often comes to mind. However, there's a world of daffodil varieties beyond this classic image waiting to be explored. From traditional to modern, bespoke to boho, daffodils offer endless possibilities for creating elevated floral designs that are sophisticated, refined, and utterly captivating.
Garden Tasks You Should Do 4-6 Weeks Before Last Frost
Many of us are 4-6 weeks away from our last frost of the season, which means our garden tasks are ramping up!
Today we’re going over a few tasks that you should be doing now to prepare for your peak gardening season once last frost has passed.
How to Successfully Pot Up Seedlings & Dahlia Tubers
With spring fast approaching, there is lots to do here at the flower farm. We are busy prepping our beds, sowing seeds in the greenhouse and tending to seedlings. We are also busy potting up hundreds of seedlings in anticipation of our annual cut flower seedling sale. And then there are the dahlias. We are pulling last year’s tubers out of storage, dividing them, and for particular varieties that we want more of, we are potting them up as well so that we can take cuttings. We thought we would share how we pot up our seedlings and dahlia tubers.
7 Must-Do Spring Garden Chores
As we get into the spring season, our gardening to-do list starts to fill up. These 7 essential chores will get you ready for a successful garden — while not filling up your calendar with too many tasks.
Navigating the Peat Moss Debate: Sustainable Gardening Choices
The controversy surrounding peat moss underscores the importance of informed decision-making in sustainable gardening practices.
Pollinator Paradise: Flowers That Attract Bees, Butterflies, and Hummingbirds
Attracting pollinators is a key element of eco-gardening. Pollinators support wildlife, healthy soil, and a robust ecosystem.
Let’s go over some flowers you can plant in your garden to attract various pollinators to your landscape.
Behind the Scenes of The Eco-Friendly Cutting Garden – Part 3: The Live Program
We opened the doors to the program in March of last year (2023) and hosted the program live, meaning we released a couple modules at a time and had live Q&A sessions after students had time to go through the material.
Behind the Scenes of The Eco-Friendly Cutting Garden – Part 2: The Course Creation
This is the biggest educational program we have ever offered. In the past we’ve done in-person workshops on the flower farm, virtual classes, and presentations for various groups, but those typically contained one session where we delivered information and gave out a few supporting materials, and ended with some time for Q&A.
Behind the Scenes of The Eco-Friendly Cutting Garden – Part 1: The Idea
Teaching has always been a cornerstone of our business here at Sweet Earth Co. It’s even in our main mission — We Grow, We Design, We Teach.
How Much Space Do You Really Need For a Cutting Garden?
Do you dream of having your own cutting garden, but find yourself hesitating because you think you don’t have enough space?
Well, we’re here to debunk the myth that a cutting garden requires a large expanse of land, or even a big yard.
Why Everyone Should Grow Flowers & Herbs
We may be a bit biased, but we think everyone should grow flowers and herbs. Whether you have a large backyard garden or a small container, you can enjoy the benefits of eco-gardening.
Cultivating Green Dreams: An Atomic Approach to Eco-Friendly Gardening in 2024
As we step into a new year, we’re inspired by James Clear and his incredible book Atomic Habits, and want to apply his teachings to setting garden goals.
Weddings: How to Get More Value Out of Your Floral Budget
It’s no surprise that flowers are a big part of any wedding. Not only do they help define the entire vibe of the event, they help to transform the venue into a magical space.
The Rewards of a Cutting Garden
It’s no secret that we love cutting gardens. Not only are they a foundation of our business, we also teach about how to start your own.
Community Building Through Gardening
Another benefit of gardening we enjoy is the community building. Throughout this past year, we’ve enjoyed interacting with and helping our community with our flowers. Let’s take a look back!